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This is how you should be doing static ads…

This is how you should be doing static ads…

Hey folks! We're back with another edition of AdCollection. If you're tuning in for the first time, a big Welcome to you! 👋 Each two weeks, we slice through the noise and bring you some sharp and actionable insights on digital advertising. 

This week, we're diving into the world of static ad creatives. We've handpicked three ads that really stand out and are dynamite in performance.

Who Gives A Crap (Toilet paper)

If we are to talk about standing out in the sea of bland toilet rolls, let's chat about Who Gives A Crap! Now, why should we really give a 💩?

For a starter, visually, this ad grabs your attetion. It sends a clear message: we're definitely not your average “poo napkin”.

But, to appeal to anyone who isn't completely floored by the brand appeal, they are essentially saying, "Hey, if it's the price that's holding you back, we are 28% cheaper than what you are using right now!"

The value propositions are clear as day:

  • Embrace living an eco-conscious

  • Eco-friendly lifestyle without breaking the bank - because who can afford more than 3-ply 🧻 when you've got adulting bills to pay? 

So, what is your verdict? Would you roll with it? Pun intended.


This is textbook “performance static creative” and works really well at the top of the funnel as it zeroes in on what really matters to users - transformation.

In this case, it's the promise of thicker hair in 3-6 months 💁‍♀️. But what makes this ad truly shine is its headline

“How women in their 40s regrow hair”.

Talk about a hook! This headline executes segmentation effectively - by attracting 40-year-old women who are interested in hair regrowth methods to click on the ad, it teaches the algorithm to continue looking for people similar to this demographic or interest.

This ad is a masterful blend of compelling promise, product info and clarity without tipping into any visual chaos. A strong punch, but with elegance. We love it and it is easily replicable for any healthcare or skincare brand.


The one is from ARMRA. 

Why does this ad work so well? With a visual of papaya - the fruit of rejuvenation - the headline "Collagen supplements don't work" piques the interest of savvy skincare users who have been let down by collagen products before.

The statement is bold and brash and makes you lean in for the alternative - a revolutionary "next-gen" superfood that promises to transform.

Our attention span is short, and this ad acknowledges the audience’s journey, challenges existing perceptions, and presents a compelling alternative all at once.

Create high-quality UGC ads, with Showcase

Showcase is a platform that lets you collaborate with top-performing creators to make high-quality & top-performing UGC ads.

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