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  • This is how you start a 🔥 with your static ads!

This is how you start a 🔥 with your static ads!

Welcome back to another edition of AdCollection 👋 This week, we want to show you 3 Firestarter🔥 ads - the ones that get people talking, commenting and sharing.

Let's start with Genomelink's standout ad, which was made by the inBeat team. 🙌 

This is a play on the wildly successful Post-it concept, featuring a customizable UNO wild card 🃏, the "handwritten" note, and yes, the Eiffel Tower! 

But let's focus on the copy first; it hits Genomelink's niche perfectly, segmenting its audience right away. If you have done DNA tests before but aren't completely satisfied with the results, you will be hooked!

We were confident this ad would rock, but the real surprise?

The incredible engagement!

There are over 100 comments with people sharing their DNA search history and genealogy research journeys. Some comments will make you laugh, and some discoveries will make you gasp😲!  

Bottom line: the ad generated lots of social proof and drove significant sign-ups📈 because it feels so much more than just an ad; the desire to know who we really are connects us all. This ad resonates with the audience, and it becomes a community conversation that keeps growing and giving.

Another Genomelink ad, we know. But this one is just too good not to share. 

Everybody loves a good meme, right? 

This ad is actually about Genomelink's Viking DNA report. The goal is simple: create engagement💥

And the copy does the trick: it's humorous and polarizing, and sparked some interesting discussions, to say the least! 

People flooded the comment section, eager to highlight the obvious ("Actually, Viking was a profession, not an ethnicity"! 🙄) and go on to share their own "Viking" family history.  

Sure - there is no immediate value proposition in this static ad, but it did a great job segmenting those passionate about facts, history and genealogical research. All engagement is good engagement because it promotes advert longevity and creates brand awareness.

Looking to create some incredible performance creative ads with positive results, don’t hesitate to book a call with us!

Amii by MasterClass

Our last static ad comes from Amii by MasterClass, a language-learning app. Warning: This ad is unapologetically bold! 

"Stop playing games, learn a language for real" 

Obviously, this ad is throwing some shade at Duolingo 🤫.

Creating a Firestarter ad requires a delicate balance; it should not be controversial just for the sake of controversy.  

This attention-grabbing copy can lead to polarized reactions – it might upset existing Duolingo users because it undermines their effort, but it could also really hit their pain points 🎯 and compel them to talk about their frustration openly and try out a different app. 

The key to creating an effective Firestarter ad is to stay true to your brand's identity while making a statement that matters. 

Want to create some smashing performance creative ads? Don’t hesitate to book a call with us!

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